Posts tagged racing
Addressing Weight: Does the Number on the Scale Dictate Better Running Performance?

Today I want to address an often-controversial topic but one that feels like is coming up way too much lately. Weight and weighing yourself. Weighing yourself day in and day out can become a vicious cycle. One that can lead to burn out and frustration. Not only because our weight can fluctuate on any given day due to hydration, the meal you had the night before, the time of day or even that time of the month (for ladies). But also because you are focusing on the wrong measure of success. The number on the scale can lead to either feeling victorious or defeated which doesn’t bode well for your mental health and well-being and takes the focus off of the things we know lead to better performance.

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Race Reflections and Why Knowledge is Power when it Comes to Your Health

A couple weeks ago I participated in my team’s (DWRunning) intra-squad track meet. I was excited to compete in the mile, 800 and 4x400 even though short distances have never and will never be my strength. Prior to the meet I had put in some mile-specific work and gotten out on the track far more than I have ever done before and I was really hoping to see an improvement—maybe even a PR. Well - if you follow me on social - you know that didn’t happen - and for a couple of reasons that upon reflecting on - make complete sense.

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